D&D Game Setup!

Based on Mew’s instructions (not Severok’s example), I rolled 4d6 and subtracted the lowest value, summing the rest. Here’s how that looks in Python:

from random import randint

def fourdn(n = 6):
  one = randint(1, n)
  two = randint(1, n)
  three = randint(1, n)
  four = randint(1, n)
  result = [one, two, three, four]
  return (result, sum(result))

Running this six times (like Severok’s example), I got:

  • Strength: 12 (2 + 5 + 5)
  • Dexterity: 7 (3 + 1 + 3)
  • Constitution: 9 (6 + 2 + 1)
  • Intelligence: 7 (2 + 2 + 3)
  • Wisdom: 11 (3 + 6 + 2)
  • Charisma: 8 (2 + 1 + 5)

Did I do this right @Mew ?

So I have started researching… And thus far I have decided upon the following…

  • Name: Authion Aelsonlock
  • Race: Half-elf
  • Class: torn between sorcerer and rogue

Any chance someone can convert that PDF to an editable form? Id rather not open it up in gimp and use image editing on it…

FYI, Linux Master, GIMP can edit PDFs. You just need the PostDoc thing, which IIRC is built-in when you install it.

Darn this is intense!

You can try using LibreOffice or Inkscape too!

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The default KDE pdf editor is amazing

I tried using okular. It can work with existing forms, but not magically edit a PDF where no form exists.x Hence I am wondering if anyone has a form version of that PDF

PSA: If you’re highest ability roll is a 13, or if you’re ability modifiers add up to +3 or lower, you can re-roll your ability scores

Assallamu Alaikum @ali-c,

I would take a look over here https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/33731/what-equipment-should-a-character-start-with

I would not worry too much about realism in terms of carrying enough food and water (we are just starting off after all)

  • A melee touch attack uses your BAB and your strength modifier.
  • A ranged touch attack uses your BAB and your dexterity modifier.

So you read what the spell says and go from there.

Assallamu Alaikum @ashes987

Not @Mew but it looks about right, do you have access to a character sheet and or a copy of the pathfinder book?

For anyone using a Mac: You can annotate your values in as text in Preview and export the sheet as a PDF so viewers besides Preview will display your changes too.



Ashes here. I notice you didn’t mention anything about gold. However, someone else brought that up.

Do you guys have a complete list of steps I need to do with my new character?

Not sure. The JPEGs for the character sheet are here. Do you guys have a (legit) copy of the PDF flying around somewhere?

I’m actually working on a complete list of steps now

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Alright ladies and gents, I finished a complete list of to do items for character creation. I’ll upload it tomorrow. I’ve also found a much simpler character sheet to fill out. If you prefer to use the old one you can, but I find this simpler:


I’ll upload the character creation guide tomorrow. Want to look it over one last time

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Link to little guide I made. should help with character creation. lmk if you have any question. It’s easy for me to work with you 1 on 1 to hash it out

FYI, I rolled a 6 so I start with 60gp

Mashallah, I actually remembered my login…

So where did we get to on the whole D&D thing?

I’m just glad you’re still alive :slight_smile: welcome back man!

It’ll take a lot to keep me down for good.

Inshallah i will find my way to the discord some time soon if it is still active.

Edit: Installed Discord, Anychance I can get an invite to MG if it is still there?