Next Steps: TODO

I like to delete my cookies, etc occasionally.
I just figured the relogging was due to something like that.

I am also not a very observant person…

There are still a few things that need to be done before I can go for open registrations.

  1. get gengis’ email server working, and send/receive emails from
  2. get some placeholder up on the main site ( pending the creation of a blog or something
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3 . Correct “Grand DIctator” to “Grand Dictator”


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Hahahahaha rofl.


Let’s get back on track!

Here’s what we need to do.

1. Send/receive emails from

  • this means contacting Gengis.

2. Build a landing page!

  • One page, simple.
  • Abrar suggested something as simple as this.

3. Create a Blog Category.

  • Let’s start writing reviews for games or whatever you guys want to write.
  • Others will edit/review your work in subsequent posts in your thread.
  • Finally, it’ll be published on the soon-to-be blog.
    (This may be done automatically, not sure yet.)

Alright let’s raise those hands, who wants to volunteer?

  • @someone needs to contact @gengis (see #1)
  • @webdeveloprs: Make a landing page please. (see #2)
  • @AbrarSyed create the Blog category please. (see #3)

Let it live again!! Other characters because discourse is complaining.

The landing page is on GitHub. @AbrarSyed do you have time to push it to production as-is this weekend? We can worry about minification and auto-building later.

I want to also ask: how many MG-made games do we need to make before we can have a “Games by MG” section up on the site? Downloads are hosted by GitHub.

I (DeenGames) am currently a significant part of the development process, but I would eventually like to see MG making their own games regularly (eg. once or twice a year).

@AbrarSyed I hope things are going well insha’Allah. Let us know if you need some assistance!

Also, I think we need to increase logo size TBH :stuck_out_tongue:


Masha’Allah though, it looks sweet :slight_smile:

@AbrarSyed, broski…why we no activate site? Comeoooooooooooon.

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