Steam Sale Hype Thread

I liked this new method much better.

In the past, I would buy games only to find it got cheaper the next day. grrr.

Of course I learned for subsequent sales. But then, I would see things I would want, but wouldn’t buy, because it might get cheaper. Sometimes it did, and I’d be like “yay!” but mostly it wouldn’t get any cheaper, and I’d buy on the last day and be like, coulda gotten this day 1. Also, many times I’d forget some smaller nice to have titles by this time. So lost revenue for Steam.

This time, I bought all the titles on my list day 1. And the daily highlights showed me a different set of titles which I wouldn’t have known about but ended up getting. Much better experience IMO and I’m sure Steam realized better revenues too.

I just need my GPU delivered so I can actually play these games. lol!

FYI, I just found this website:

You can Watch stuff and (presumably) get email notifications when it goes on sale. Very handy. I’ll see if I can hold out until January and get what I want at 80%+ off.

Theres that AND this awesome browser pluggin called Enhanced Steam:

You add it to chrome and can see all the database info ON the Steam website itself. Pricing history, how many people are playing it, how many own it. SOO much info. I love it. Better representation of reviews and such. Its great.

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I added this to Chrome but don’t see the price history. #derp ?

The pricing info is displayed on the page near the “Add to Cart” button. In the top right corner you will see a green light of sorts that signifies that its working.


That’s subtle (the pricing), I didn’t notice that before.

Thanks, I just snagged Bastion for $3.75 (historical low) :slight_smile:

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