What Were You JUST Playing?!

Ahhh interesting.

I love these games. I usually get my fix playing X3.
The great thing about that game is that you can buy add additional ships pilotted by ai which you can direct though a command console.

You can mine asteroids for quick but dangerous money, build up a fleet of cargo and combat ships. Trade economy fluctuates by supply and demand, occaionally hostile races invade sectors destroying stations, new stations get built and the economy shifts.

Eventually when you are wealthy enough you can build your own stations, establish supply lines and automate your own trade empire. One you have wealth and trust from the local population yoh can buy capital ships, Load it full of fighters and invade a hostile sector.

There is a storyline that I have never really bothered to investigate despite my many hours of play.

Ive always thought about getting that game but all the gameplay and screens Ive seen showed that you cant get third person view. One of the things I love about any space game is being able to at least see your ship. In Elite Dangerous you cant go into a third person view or chase cam but you can press a key combination that allows you to go into a cinematic outside camera. This allows you to take screens or chase your ship while cruising towards some part of a solar system. But yea, third person view is essential to me and I didnt like that X3 didnt have one.

I think that it might… I honestly have not checked since I love cockpit views.

It actually reaches a point where I spend most my time on the maps and command console micromanaging my trade fleet rather than flying around myself.

That is usually around the time I buy an expensive fighter and a police licence then fly around hunting pirates/capturing ships.

lol ah okay. Interesting. Maybe next sale then.

FTL is awesome. I used to care about the names of my crew members and ship, but after dying so much, what thrills me is having a souped up squad and equipment.


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Did you beat the boss?

More importantly did you unlock any new ships or layouts?

Ive been playing League quite a bit recently (League Of Legends) Its quite fun aswell as CSGO.
Oh and a bit of BF1 beta which was quite sick but its closed now :frowning:

I loved FTL but after getting to the boss and failing miserably…I wasnt about to try again lol. I just kept on thinking…how in the hell does someone unlock ALL of those ships with this game? It was so hard to maintain. I love that starting ship though. The game kind of asks you to role play and imagine what the ship would be like in 3D.

I also enjoyed the BF1 beta. Game is really well optimized for a beta on PC. Really hope they keep it good lol.

You unlock the ships through side quests rather than just beating the boss over and over. You unlock New ship configurations my earning 2/3 achievements for each ship

You need to experiment with different tactics if you are going to have any chance of taking out the boss

I can help with boss fights in ftl

lol Im likely never playing the game again. I had my few tries and I supported the devs so Im good. lol.

I didn’t unlock anything really. Just the torus which I already had on another PC.

That was an intense boss. How many times do you have to defeat him before it never comes back?

Three times. The trick is to figure out and decide your attack vector for the boss by the first or second jump. That way you can build to your strengths. Usually the technology you find early on helps shape your decesion.

For example. My first win was using a boarding strategy. I had gotten 3 manti as crew, so i leveled them up by capturing enemy ships via boarding. ( you get more scrap this way too). I complmented my strategy by buying a fire beam and a breach mine. My strategy was to board the enemy ship and take out al but the laser weapon guy. This is because in the game if you kill all the guys the ship goes into auto mode and just goes nuts. And the laser guy is stuck in a tiny room, shoots the weakest weapon, and cant repair or anything. The fire beam and th ebreach mine help destroy the oxygen and fill the boss ship with fire killing everyone quckly and alloing my manti to destroy key systems all over the ship.

My secon win was following the Guns Blazing strat. Basically I found the thing that allows you to start a fight with all your weapons fully charged and I found the stealth module shortly afterward.My strategy was to unleash all the weapons, then go into stealth to recharge, rinse and repeat.

Anyways you get the idea. The three boss fight stages can be read about online, i recommend you do read it.

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Took a short break and decided to mess with minetest a bit. I set up a new biome generation mod and it was spectacular. I decided to make my new house inside an enclosed canyon with a river running through it. I got off after building a basic house, but i do believe I may come back to it.




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Minetest looks really impressive. Is that all modded up or what?

So minetest is not like minecraft. Minecraft is a full game and mods have to be kinda snuck in.

Minetest the base game is little more than basic tools, basic digging, and basic building. It was designed around addin gmods. Now you can add subgames, essentially a collection of mods, as well. I personally prefer to slowly add a bunch of world building mods than slowly add what I want (you can also enable or disable which ones you want to use). So right now I only have two mods, the ethereal world gen mod, and the more ores mod. I am actually testing things out for a potential MG minetest server. But I will poll for popular opinion later Inshalllah.

Here is a more in depth thing about minetest.

You have my (pic)Axe.

I have looked at minetest a few times on and off.
The graphics and gameplay still feel very rudementry, but I can see the potential.

Can you recommend some mods to add?

id recommend starting with a subgame at first.

You can find a list here of the more popular ones, there are more in the forums.

In that same link, if you scroll down, you will see mod and texture packs. Again, they post up some of the most popular ones, but there are way more in the forums.

Here are a few I used for my home run minetest server.
adds castle themed blocks.
A force load for automated things when your log off the server.
Set it to spawn above a certain block level. build high enough and you will reach the realm. (when you stack map gens it scalled stacked realms, so make sure a map gen is stacked realms compatible or else you will get some funny things. This asteroid one and the nether one are both stacked realm compatible that I know of for example, also note the asteroid in that picture is larger than minecraf’ts world height.)

Other than that go wild.